- Innovation and Endogenous Knowledge Network Dynamics (宏观经济与金融论坛)2023-12-25
- Assessing Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects(经济理论与政策前沿第七讲)2023-12-21
- Spatial sorting and university location(香港12生肖49号码表图公共经济与财政讲座第三期)2023-12-19
- Can Virtual Bargaining explain coordination in team production when efforts exhibit strategic complementarity?2023-12-15
- In Search of Animal Spirits:Evidence From Idiosyncratic Volatility of Emotions(金融学术讲座第二十期)2023-12-15
- 信息时代大数据驱动下的智能金融风控(金融专硕业界导师系列讲座)2023-12-14
- On Axiomatic Unifications of Solutions to the Bargaining Problem and Applications(香港12生肖49号码表图经济学国际名家讲坛第七期)2023-12-13
- Models in International Trade(国际经贸论坛第63期)2023-12-13
- CNRDS数据赋能科研2023-12-12
- Asset pricing with affect investing,gambling,and overconfidence:Theory and evidence(金融学术讲座第十九期)2023-12-12